/ / / Cozy Cabin Treat Box – Free Printable

Cozy Cabin Treat Box – Free Printable

Christmas Crafts | Free Printables | Treat Boxes | Winter

Learn how to make a cozy cabin treat box using my free printable boxes, available in two sizes. These cute boxes are perfect for holding small gifts and treats this holiday season!

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Two cozy cabin treat boxes made from paper sit next to a small Christmas tree and are surrounded by red and green chocolate candies.On the First Day of a Crafty Christmas….

Hello Crafty Friends! It’s the first day of my annual series “12 Days of Holiday Crafts” and today I’m sharing these cute cozy cabin treat boxes! They are perfect for holding small gifts like ornaments and cozy wool socks or treats and sweets like homemade cookies. These boxes also make a fun holiday decoration for your home.

Two cozy cabin treat boxes made from paper sit next to a small Christmas tree and are surrounded by red and green chocolate candies.

Cozy Cabin Treat Boxes

Supplies Needed:

Step by Step Tutorial

Step One: Print the free printable treat boxes on white cardstock. I use 110lb white index paper, but use whatever cardstock works well with your printer. Try to use a weight of at least 65lbs but you will find the heavier the paper the more sturdy your boxes will be. Cut out the two pieces using a scissors.

The two pieces of the cozy cabin treat box lay on a self healing mat next to a scissors.

Step Two: Cut out the windows, notches and handles. Use a craft knife and a self healing mat to cut out the windows. I use a ruler and line my X-Acto knife up against it to get a nice, straight cut. You can choose not to cut out the windows and leave them yellow :)

The windows are cut out of the cozy box printable using a craft knife and ruler on a self healing mat.

The thin notch at the top of the box is cut out using an X-acto knife.

The top of the box printables showing the notches cut out of the tabs.

Step Three: Cover the windows with craft plastic. Once everything is cut out, it is time to cover the windows with craft plastic. I used my Scor-Tape to adhere the craft plastic onto the back side of the treat box pieces.

Craft plastic is attached to the back of the window using double-sided tape.

Step Four: Score along the fold lines. Using a scoring board and stylus will create nice, crisp fold lines. The diagram below shows where you should score the pieces.

Pink lines mark the score lines for the treat box.

One side of the printable box is scored on a scoring board.

The two pieces that make up the cabin box are laying face down on a green self healing mat.

Fold along your score lines.

The box pieces are folded along the scored lines.

Step Five: Assemble the box! Adhere the two pieces together along the tabs using double-sided tape. I used Score-Tape.

The cozy cabin treat box is formed by attaching the tabs.

Fold the bottom in.

The bottom of the box showing how it is folded.

The bottom of the box.

If you plan to fill the box with any goodies that are on the heavy side, I recommend taping the bottom of the box from the inside. This will prevent the box from opening up.

An overhead view looking inside the assembled cabin box.

After I assembled my boxes, I decided to add a little glitter to the roof of my boxes. I used a clear Gelly Roll Stardust pen and traced all the scallops on the roof. I think it adds a nice little shimmer and dresses up the boxes!

The box with a little shimmer added along the shingle lines on the roof.

The back of the cozy cabin treat box has a window, snowflakes and a red dear on it.

The Cozy Cabin treat boxes are finished! Fill them up with chocolates, a s’mores kit, or cookies! Don’t cut out the windows and use this as a gift box or decoration!

Cozy cabin treat box fully assembled.

Two cozy cabin treat boxes made from paper sit next to a small Christmas tree and are surrounded by red and green chocolate candies.

Get the Free Cozy Cabin Treat Boxes!

Fill out the purple form below with your first name and email address! The free file will be sent straight to your inbox! If you have already filled out the form below, don’t worry – you won’t be added to my list twice! This freebie is for personal use only. I hope you enjoy crafting something special. Please let me know if you have any questions :)

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  1. These treat boxes are beautiful! I’m printing them out as I type this comment. My children will love this small little gift. Thank you for sharing!

  2. WOW, this is EXACTLY what I have been dreaming up in my head but haven’t put to paper, (or cardstock) yet! I needed something to give to my Doctors offices, mail Gal, refuse driver. hair do-er, newspaper delivery stud, etc., full of Christmas treats! OMG, You, my NEW Soul Sistah, ROCK!!!!!!

    1. Yay I’m so glad you like them!! We think alike! I pretty much love anything with a buffalo check so I had to make these! I hope everyone you gift them to loves them! :) Happy Holidays!

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