/ / My New Blog Name – Crafting Cheerfully!

My New Blog Name – Crafting Cheerfully!


I have some really exciting news! I have been working behind the scenes on a rebrand for my blog!

I am now officially Crafting Cheerfully!

This name change has been on my mind for the last couple years and I am so happy I finally took the plunge and went for it!

It is a little nerve-wracking but also SO exciting!

Not much has changed on my site besides the name! I’ll still be sharing DIY crafts for the holidays, parties, kids and the home.

Thank you for following me here on my blog! I hope you’ll make the jump with me and continue to follow my blog under its new name. I have so many fun DIY projects coming up. Spending the past month on my computer means I am ready to get back to crafting with my hands and creating.

I look forward to sharing new projects that will inspire and brighten your day!

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