/ / / DIY Felt Apple Pincushions

DIY Felt Apple Pincushions

Free Sewing Patterns | Sewing

Create a cute apple pincushion for your sewing room! Grab my free felt apple pattern to create your own!

Felt apple pincushions are piled in a white ceramic bowl.

Hello Crafting Friends! This Saturday is National Eat an Apple Day and to celebrate I thought it would be fun to share these cute apple pincushions I made. This is a quick little sewing project made from felt. You can download my free pattern and have one made in no time.

What I love most about these apple pincushions is the leaf – it is the perfect spot to hold your hand-sewing needles! Create your apple in red, green or yellow felt, then add a small brown felt stem and leaf. 

Three apple pincushions are lined up in a row; one is dark red, bright red and green.

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a red apple pincushion sits next to spools of red and green threads.

DIY Felt Apple Pincushions 

Supplies Needed

  • Free printable pattern: – Link located at the end of this post.
  • Red, green or yellow felt
  • Brown felt for the stem
  • Green felt for the leaf 
  • Polyfil stuffing
  • Fabric scissors
  • Straight pins
  • Matching thread
  • Sharpie Marker or black pen for tracing the pattern

Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step One: Trace the apple pattern onto felt. You will need 6 apple pattern pieces for each apple pincushion. I used a black pen to trace the pattern piece and then drew in the 1/4″ seam allowance included in the pattern piece.

The apple pattern is traced onto red felt with a black Sharpie pen.

Step Two: Cut out the apple pieces.

Step Three: Sew the apple pieces together. Sew three pairs of apple pieces together, then stitch the pairs together. Leave a hole in the last side you sew so you can flip the apple right side out.

Two apple pieces are sewn together on a sewing machine.

The apple pieces are sewn together; an opening is left.

The last side is sewn but an opening is left in the middle of the seam.

Step Four: Flip the apple right side out and stuff. After filling the apple with stuffing, hand sew the apple closed with matching thread. 

The apple is flipped right side out.

The apple is stuffed with stuffing and the opening is hand sewn closed using red thread.

Step Five: Cut out a stem and leaf using the pattern pieces. Roll the brown rectangle of felt to form a stem and and hand stitch it closed. Next, stitch the stem and one end of the leaf to the top of the felt apple. 

A brown felt stem, green felt leaf and a spool of dark brown thread.

The stem and leaf and attached to the top of the felt apple.

The apple pincushion is complete! These little apples are so cute and easy to whip up! I love having cute things around when I’m sewing, and if they are practical, that’s even better ;) 

A red felt apple with pins sticking out of it sits next to two spools of thread.

Felt apple pincushions are piled in a white ceramic bowl.Happy Crafting! -Kim

Get the Apple Pincushion Pattern

Fill out the purple form below with your first name and email! The free file will be sent straight to your inbox! If you have already filled out the form below, don’t worry – you won’t be added to my list twice! This freebie is for personal use only. I hope you enjoy crafting something special. Please let me know if you have any questions :)

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  1. Love this pattern. Very cool. Can I make it in fabric or does it need to be felt? I’m very good at stuffing so I can stuff the little apple so it’s quite stiff .. I’m guessing that’s why you used felt? And for aesthetic reasons :) Anyhoo .. Gorgeous all in the fruit bowl. Nice work .. Nice site too :)

    1. Thank you! Yes I think it would work just as well out of fabric rather than felt – I didn’t choose felt for any specific reason, just that I had a ton on hand! I always seem to end up with a lot of felt and try to find ways to use it up! Thank you for visiting and I hope using fabric works out well! It would be fun to use different prints in reds and greens!

  2. Pingback: Free pattern: Apple pincushion – Sewing

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