/ / / DIY Baseball Pillow Wreath

DIY Baseball Pillow Wreath

Pillow Wreaths | Summer | Wreaths

Create a unique baseball pillow wreath using fabric and ribbon. These wreaths can be customized for your favorite team and displayed throughout baseball season! 

Baseball themed pillow wreath.

Hello Crafty Friends! Baseball season is in full swing so today I wanted to share another pillow wreath I created, this time baseball themed.

Making pillow wreaths with team fabrics of any sport is so much fun! In the past I’ve created football wreaths and college team wreaths. They make wonderful gifts for family and friends. I created two baseball wreaths and kept one for myself and gifted the other.

DIY pillow wreath with baseball themed fabric.

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I’ve shared a number of pillow wreaths on my site. They are simple to make and are a great beginner sewing project. They give newer sewers practice sewing straight lines with a sewing machine and also hand sewing practice closing up each pillow.

These wreaths are also endlessly customizable and can be made for any holiday, occasion, or sports team. Make them with leftover fabric from your stash or create a wreath with fat quarters or charm packs. For this Brewers baseball wreath I used a combination of fabric I had in my stash in yellow, blue and white colors as well as licensed fabric from Joann Fabrics.

A plastic drawer full of small pillows with some of them sewn shut and others not.

How to Make a Fabric Baseball Pillow Wreath

Choosing the Fabric

Each pillow wreath is made with 5-6 different fabrics that go well together. For sports team wreaths, I try to use one-two licensed fabrics and then find coordinating fabrics in polka dots, solids, stripes or plaids for the other three fabrics. You only need 1/4 yard of each fabric but I recommend getting a little bit more for the licensed fabrics so you can choose where to cut the pillows out. I like cutting these pillows so the name of the school or mascot’s face is visible.  

My local Joann Fabrics had a nice selection of fabric for the Milwaukee Brewers since we are in Wisconsin. If you are making a wreath for a sports team outside of your state, you will most likely need to order the licensed fabric online. Try searching Joann Fabrics online as well as Etsy and Amazon. 

If you are having a hard time finding licensed fabrics for your specific baseball team, don’t fret! Choose fabrics in your team’s colors and baseball-themed prints. Joann Fabrics has a number of cotton fabrics with baseballs on them. I chose not to use them because they were red and tan and didn’t go well with my blue, yellow and white fabrics. I also chose a pinstripe fabric that reminded me of the classic baseball uniforms. 

Five different fabrics in blue, white, yellow and Brewer fabric.

I have made a lot of different pillow wreaths that you can check out. Most of them are all made the same way with just a few small variations. 

> Check out my Ultimate Guide to Making Pillow Wreaths

Supplies Needed

  • Free Template – Download the free template by filling out the purple form at the bottom of this post.
  • Fabric – about a quarter yard of five different fabrics works well. Each pillow is made with a 5.5″ x 4.5″ rectangle of fabric. I recommend more fabric when using a directional print like the licensed team fabrics.
  • Coordinating thread and needle
  • Ribbon – 3 – 4 rolls depending on how long you cut the ribbon ties.
  • Poly-Fil stuffing
  • 12″ Wire wreath frame – I purchased this Pack of 5 Wire Wreath Forms
  •  Point Turner and Embroidery Scissors are useful!

Supplies for the wreath including ribbon and fabric.

Step One: Cut the pillows.

The number of pillows you will need varies depending on how full you want your wreath and how you arrange them. I like to make around 30-35 pillows knowing I may have a few leftover. For this wreath I used 31 pillows. 

Download the free template or cut 5.5″ x 4.5″ rectangles. This includes a 1/4″ seam allowance. 

A rectangle is cut from yellow and blue polka dot fabric.

Step Two: Stitch the pillows on the sewing machine.

Fold each pillow in half (short side to short side) and stitch around the three edges using your sewing machine and 1/4″ seam allowance. Leave an opening in the long side (opposite the fold) so you can stuff each pillow. Below I have highlighted the stitch lines in pink!

Folded fabric pillow with stitch lines highlighted in pink.

Trim the corners and clip your loose threads.

The rectangle is folded in half, stitched around the edges and the corners are clipped.

Turn the pillow inside out and use a point tuner to gently poke out the corners.

The yellow pillow is turned right side out and lays next to a blue point turner.

Step Three: Stuff each pillow!

Use Poly-fil stuffing to stuff each pillow. Overstuffing them will make it harder to close up each pillow. Pin the opening closed and hand stitch it using a small whip stitch and coordinating thread. 

It can be time consuming to make all these little pillows but once they are machine stitched the rest can be done away from the machine. I like to finish the pillows outside while my kids play, while catching up on a Netflix show, or even in the car on road trips!

The yellow fabric pillow is stuffed.

Pillow opening is hand stitched closed.

A plastic drawer full of small pillows with some of them sewn shut and others not.

Step Four: Tie each pillow to the wire wreath form using ribbon.

Now it’s time to arrange the pillows on the wire wreath form and tie them on with a piece of ribbon. I use 8″ pieces of ribbon but you may want to cut your ribbon a little longer since it can be tricky tying them on.

I recommend testing out one pillow and deciding on the best length for you before cutting all of your ribbon. If you need longer ribbons to help you tie them on, you can come back after they are all tied on and trim them so they aren’t too long.

Blue and yellow ribbon cut into strips.

Tie the pillows to the wreath form starting with the outer ring. Each pillow is tied to two wire hoops of the wreath. 

A small blue pillow is attached to the outer rings of the wreath using yellow ribbon.

Pillows are attached to the wreath with ribbon.

Sometimes it is useful to arrange the pillows before tying them on and take a picture with your phone. It is a bit of a puzzle making sure pillows of the same fabric aren’t directly next to each other. For both of my baseball wreaths, I used 13 pillows on the outer ring, 10 on the middle ring, and 8 on the innermost ring for a total of 31 pillows. 

After attaching the pillows around the outer rings and creating the first circle of pillows, move to the two middle rings and attach the second circle of pillows. Finally the third circle using the two innermost metal rings.

Baseball pillow wreath made with yellow, blue and white pillows.

After tying the pillows on you can use a small scissors to trip the ribbon ties. 

A small stork scissors trims the ribbon ties on each fabric pillow.

Step Five: Add a hanging loop to the back of the wreath.

Use ribbon to add a small loop to the back of the wreath so it can be hung. I usually have the ribbon go around the two outer rings of the wreath form. Your wreath is now ready to be hung and enjoyed or gifted to someone special!

A ribbon loop is added to the top back of the wreath for hanging.

I’m really happy with how this wreath turned out! I like the mix of fabrics and I was excited to use some fabrics from my stash – all but one! This is a great wreath to hang in your home during baseball season and it also makes a wonderful gift for family and friends!

Baseball wreath made with fabric and ribbon.

Happy Crafting! -Kim

Get the Free Pillow Wreath Template!

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