/ / / DIY Ice Cream Truck Treat Box

DIY Ice Cream Truck Treat Box

Free Printables | Party Favors | Summer | Treat Boxes

Celebrate summer, ice cream, and birthday parties with these cute ice cream truck treat boxes! Easy to create with the free printable, these boxes are great party favors as well as table decor at an ice cream social!

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Ice cream truck treat boxes with cookies and sprinkles around them.

Hello Crafty Friends! Today I have a fun treat box to share with you – this time in the shape of an ice cream truck! July is National Ice Cream Month so this cute little treat box is perfect for this time of year! Create these ice cream truck treat boxes for ice cream-themed parties, ice cream socials and of course, summertime. You can grab my box as a freebie from my Resource Library and create your own cute ice cream truck! 

The box comes together quickly and is a great size to hold all sorts of fun sweets! I had a lot of fun putting these treat boxes together and love how cute they turned out. The wheels are attached with little white brads and the back opens so you can fill it with sweets.

I’ve used these boxes several times. As party favors filled with sugar cookies, as table decorations for an ice cream sundae party and as a gift for friends who love ice cream. 

Paper ice cream truck treat boxes set up in front of a chalkboard that reads "Ice Cream Truck Treat Boxes".

Two paper ice cream truck treat boxes sit next to sugar cookies.

More Ice Cream-Themed Crafts

How to Make an Ice Cream Truck Treat Box

Supplies Needed

Supplies for ice cream truck treat box including paper trimmer, scissors, scoring board, double-sided tape and printables.

Step One: Download and print the free printable ice cream truck. You’ll find the printable in my free Resource Library under Free Printables –> Treat Boxes. Cut out each piece using a paper trimmer and scissors. There are eight pieces total including four wheels.

Ice Cream truck printables lay next to a scissors.

Ice cream truck pieces are cut out.

Step Two: Score the pieces along the fold lines. I love using a scoring board and stylus because the folds are nice and crisp. I’m also able to get a nice straight fold.

Ice cream truck scored on a scoring board with a stylus.

Step Three: Attach the wheels with small white brads. Lay the blue wheel on top of the pink wheel spot and poke a hole using your stylus, or another sharp tool, through both layers.

Wheels are attached to paper truck with small white brads.

Paper ice cream truck with wheels attached with brads.

Step Four: Start assembling the ice cream truck. Use a tape runner or strong double-sided tape. Start by applying adhesive to the tabs along the front of the bus.

Adhesive is applied to the front tabs of the ice cream truck using a tape runner.

The front of the ice cream truck is applied to the first side of the truck.

The front of the truck is attached to the side.

Paper truck is tipped on it's side.

Once the front of the truck is attached, attach the bottom and adhere the flaps on the back of the truck.

Ice cream truck made from paper is partially assembled.

Step Five: Attach the back door to the ice cream truck. This is how you will get your yummy treats in and out of the ice cream truck! I attached the top of the door with my tape runner and then used two small Velcro brand Thin Clear Fasteners to keep the door closed on the bottom.

Thin clear fasteners are used to keep the back of the paper truck closed.

Ice cream truck treat boxes with cookies and sprinkles around them.

Yay! The Ice Cream Truck Treat Box is assembled and ready to be loaded with sweets and treats! Check out my other Party Favor Treat Boxes, they are a great DIY to add to your next party :) 

Happy Crafting! -Kim

Get the Free Ice Cream Truck Treat Box File!

Fill out the purple form below with your first name and email address! The free file will be sent straight to your inbox! If you have already filled out the form below, don’t worry – you won’t be added to my list twice! This freebie is for personal use only. I hope you enjoy crafting something special. Please let me know if you have any questions :)

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  1. So I came across these gorgeous ice cream trucks while searching ideas for my daughters second birthday party! you did such an amazing job, seriously! however im having trouble downloading the file for the trucks, it keeps telling me that the file has been damaged. Im hoping you can help me. thank you so much!

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