/ / / DIY Sunflower and Bee Charm Pack Pillow Wreath

DIY Sunflower and Bee Charm Pack Pillow Wreath

Charm Pack Projects | Cricut Crafts | Pillow Wreaths

Create a bee-autiful wreath for the summer! This bee pillow wreath is fun to make using a fabric charm pack and ribbon. Add a fun embroidery hoop to the middle using Cricut Iron-On!

Welcome Bee Wreath on a white surface.

My quest to create a pillow wreath for each month of the year continues! Today I am sharing this cute Welcome to our Hive Bee Pillow Wreath for August. All of the fabric used in this wreath came from one charm pack, Bee Grateful by Deb Strain for Moda. The prints and colors are so fun and because they call came from the same charm pack they coordinate beautifully.

To complete the wreath, I added a cute embroidery hoop to the center. Using a piece of fabric from the charm pack and Cricut Iron-On, I made the hoop with the phrase Welcome to our Hive. It finishes the wreath and adds a sweet welcome message.

Bee Welcome Wreath with cute embroidery hoop in the middle.

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My other pillow wreaths use five to six different fabrics that are repeated throughout the wreath. This was my first time using a charm pack where each piece of 5″ x 5″ fabric is either unique or repeated just twice. So for this wreath I ended up using 15 different fabrics, some of them only once.

The other big difference using a charm pack is that instead of using my template, which is 4.5″ x 5.5″, I simply folded each piece of fabric in half. The pillows turned out thinner and longer than my usual ones but the process of making them was sped up! 

Once the pillows were all made, I tied them to the wire wreath using yellow ribbon.

Welcome to our Hive bee wreath close up of embroidery hoop hanging in the center.

This wreath is really perfect for the entire summer, but it will be my August wreath. I love the bees, sunflowers, and the combination of yellow, black, gray and orange colors. The entire fabric line is really gorgeous and I love how this wreath displays them.

> Check out my Ultimate Guide to Making Pillow Wreaths!

Welcome Bee Wreath on a wooden door.

Supplies Needed:

For the Wreath

For the Hoop

Supplies needed for Bee Pillow Wreath

Making the Mini Pillows

Step One: Sew each mini pillow. Each mini pillow is made with a piece of fabric from the charm pack. Fold each piece in half and stitch around the open edges, leaving an opening along the long side. Make sure to backstitch at the edges of the opening. 

*You can also make this wreath using fabric not in a charm pack. If you do, I recommend using my template and following this post: Home Sweet Home Pillow Wreath.

Mini Pillow sewn.

Next clip the corners with a scissors.

Mini pillow lays next to a mini gold scissors.

Turn the mini pillow right side out and use a point turner to gently push out the corners.

Mini pillow lays next to a blue point turner tool.

Step Two: Stuff each mini pillow. Use poly-fil to stuff each pillow. Do not overstuff them as this will make it difficult to attach them to the wire frame.

Floral mini fabric pillow stuffed with polyfil.

Hand sew the opening closed with coordinating thread using a small whip stitch.

Floral mini fabric pillow being sewn closed with yellow thread.

The pillow is done! Repeat for all of the pillows. This wreath uses 31 pillows total. 13 on the outer ring, 10 on the middle ring and 8 on the inside ring. 

Floral mini fabric pillow.

Assembling the Wreath

Step Three: Start by cutting strips of ribbon to attach the pillows. I cut my ribbon into 8″ pieces. Before cutting all of your ribbon, test the length by attaching the first pillow to the wreath form. You may want to cut them a little longer to make tying the knots easier. 

Strips of yellow ribbon lay next to a scissors on a white table.

Step Four: Attach the pillows to the wire wreath form. Start with the outer ring and tie the pillows on, one by one, using a piece of ribbon. Each pillow will be wrapped around two wires of the wreath.

Floral mini fabric pillow attached to wire frame with yellow ribbon.

Floral mini fabric pillow attached to the wire pillow frame.

For this pillow, I attached 13 pillows to the outer ring, 10 to the middle ring and 8 to the inside ring. I tried to space out the colors so pillows of the same color aren’t clumped together or too close. If you need to move a pillow after it is attached, just slide it out of the ribbon and put a new one in.

Black, yellow, gray and white pillow wreath.

Create the Embroidery Hoop

For this wreath I really wanted to add something to the center and include the phrase “Welcome to our Hive”. This step is just a little extra, the wreath is also beautiful on its own!

Step Five: Create the embroidery hoop for the middle of the wreath. Paint the outer hoop of a 4″ embroidery wreath black. Use Cricut Iron-On in black and goldenrod to add a graphic to a piece of fabric. I used a piece of gray fabric from the charm pack and an image I found in Cricut Design Space. 

In Design Space, I created a gray circle the size of my embroidery hoop and sized the image to fit nicely onto it. Hide the gray circle before cutting and don’t forget to mirror your Iron-On! :) 

Welcome to our Hive image in Cricut Design Space

Black embroidery hoop lays next to a piece of gray fabric with black and yellow iron-on applied.

Test where to put your graphic, by putting the fabric in the hoop. Take the fabric out to iron on the design and then place it back in the hoop.

Gray fabric in a black embroidery hoop.

Embroidery hoop with bee image applied to the fabric.

Cover the back with a piece of black felt. This not only finishes off the hoop, but will also make sure there isn’t a noise from the hoop hitting the door every time you open and close your door! 

Embroidery hoop laying on a piece of black felt.

Add a bow with the same ribbon you used to attach the pillows to the top of the hoop and it is finished!

Embroidery hoop with the words "Welcome to our Hive" applied to an embroidery hoop with a yellow bow.

Use ribbon to tie the hoop to the wire frame so the hoop hangs in the middle of the wreath. Tie this on directly underneath the ribbon loop you added to hang the wreath – this will help center it.

Back of Bee Pillow Wreath showing black felt on the back of the embroidery hoop.

Bee Welcome Wreath with cute embroidery hoop in the middle.

The wreath is finished! I love how this one turned out and am excited to hang it up for the month of August. Using a charm pack to create this wreath was a lot of fun and I love how the fabrics look together. :) 

> Check out my Ultimate Guide to Making Pillow Wreaths!

Happy Crafting! -Kim

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    1. I hope you do! They are so fun to make! The first pillow wreath my mom ever made was a Christmas one. She added cinnamon sticks when tying on three of the pillows so it smelled so festive. We just replace the cinnamon sticks each year :)

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