/ / / / DIY Strawberry Banner – Free Appliqué Template

DIY Strawberry Banner – Free Appliqué Template

Charm Pack Projects | Fabric Banners | Free Sewing Patterns | Summer

Create a sweet strawberry banner for summer! Learn how to create this banner using fabric appliqué and simple embroidery plus grab the free strawberry template!

Summer strawberry banner made using fabric, embroidery and appliqué.

Hello Crafty Friends! Today I’m sharing this sweet strawberry banner created using appliqué and simple embroidery! I decided to create this wreath using the leftover charm squares from my June pillow wreath. For the wreath I used fabric from a 5″ stacker but only used 30 of the 42 fabric squares. This cute banner was the perfect way to use up those leftover fabrics! The strawberries were so fun to make and the banner can be displayed all summer long. 

For this banner, and my June pillow wreath, I used a 5″ stacker, Summer Picnic, designed by Melissa Mortenson for Riley Blake Designs. It features sweet berries, florals and the perfect picnic gingham! 

Summer pillow wreath.

The banner is created by appliquéing fabric strawberries onto burlap pennants. I then used simple embroidery to decorate the strawberries. I used a basic running stitch around the border of each strawberry and on the leaves. From there is was really fun to just play around and add embroidery here and there to decorate the berries. 

A teal fabric strawberry with pink flowers is embroidered with french knots and a simple running stitch.

DIY Summer Banner

Supplies Needed:

Supplies for the banner including fabric squares, embroidery floss, burlap pennants and fusible interfacing.

How to Make a Strawberry Banner

Step 1: Cut out the fabric strawberries using fusible interfacing.

Use the printable pattern to trace the strawberry shapes (berry and leaves) onto the paper side of fusible web interfacing. I like to lay the fusible web over my template and trace the shapes. I traced enough strawberry shapes to make five pennants.

Strawberries are traced onto fusible interfacing.

Strawberry leaves are traced onto fusible interfacing.

Bubble cut around each shape leaving space around your pencil lines.

Fusible interfacing strawberries and leaves are cut out and in a pile.

Iron the fusible web shapes to the wrong side of your fabric, then cut out the shapes directly on the lines.

Fusible interfacing is ironed onto the back of a fabric square.

Strawberries are cut out using fusible interfacing adhered to the back of the fabric.

Step Two: Iron the fabric strawberries to the burlap banner pennants.

Start by peeling the paper backing from a berry shapes and ironing it on one of the burlap banner pennants. Next, top it with a leave and stem, repeating the process. *Tip: make sure your shapes are cool before trying to peel the paper backing off. 

Strawberry fabric shape is ironed onto a burlap pennant.

Strawberry fabric shapes ironed onto a burlap pennant.

Step Three: Embroider the strawberries.

This part is really fun, especially if you have love hand embroidery. Use a running stitch to stitch around each berry and down the center of the leaves and stem. You can use coordinating embroidery floss or contrasting depending on the look you want. 

After the shapes are embroidered you could stop there, or if you want, add decorative stitches using the patterns of each fabric as a guide and inspiration. I used running stitches and french knots.

Embroidery floss and a small embroidery scissors lays next to an embroidered strawberry banner pennant.

Below are close-up pictures of each of my embroidered strawberries. There is no right or wrong way to add decorative embroidery, just have fun!

Embroidered fabric strawberries on burlap pennants.

Embroidered fabric strawberries on burlap pennants.

A red fabric strawberry is embellished with embroidery floss.

Step Four: String the pennants together to form a banner.

Once the pennants are complete, it’s time to string them together to create a banner. I used yarn to string mine together, starting with a coral color and then switching to a red. Both looked nice, I had a hard time making up my mind!

Summer banner with fabric strawberries on burlap pennants.

I hope you enjoyed this sweet summer banner! It can be hung up all summer but is especially perfect for those early months of summer, especially during strawberry season! Download the free strawberry template below to create your own banner. 

I love creating fabric banners! Be sure to check out my other fabric banners for ideas. My Ice Cream Cone Fabric Banner is also perfect for summertime. :) 

Happy Crafting! -Kim

DIY Strawberry Summer Banner; Fabric Appliqué and Embroidery.

Get the Free Strawberry Banner Pattern!

Fill out the purple form below with your first name and email address! The free file will be sent straight to your inbox! If you have already filled out the form below, don’t worry – you won’t be added to my list twice! This freebie is for personal use only. I hope you enjoy crafting something special. Please let me know if you have any questions :)

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