Free Printable Calendar Pages for Kids
Colorful and bright free printable calendar pages for 2025! These pages are perfect to use with my DIY Children’s Calendar but also for meal planning, reading logs, schedules and more!
Hello Crafty Friends! Today I’m happy to share my new 2025 printable calendar pages! These calendar pages are designed to work with my DIY Children’s Calendar, but they can be used for so many different things. From menu pages to kids activities and reading logs, these calendar pages will come in handy all year long!
These colorful calendar pages coordinate with all of my calendar printables. You can print one for each month of the year and kids can mark the days with stickers or cross them out with crayons or markers. The pages can also be laminated and the date can be crossed off with a dry-erase marker.
If you use the calendar on a magnetic dry erase board, kids can mark the day with a magnet!
The calendar pages are available in two formats. One calendar starts the week on a Sunday, the other calendar starts the week on a Monday. You can choose which calendar works best for your needs!
You can download the 2025 monthly calendar pages in English using the purple forms at the end of this post.
If you are looking for calendar pages in a different language, you will find a blank calendar page at the end of each language’s main calendar packet. The blank calendar pages come in seven languages including English, Spanish, French, Italian, Hawaiian, Korean and Portuguese.
Each language’s main calendar packet can be downloaded from my DIY Children’s Calendar post. Links to download are located at the bottom of the post.
The blank calendar pages can be filled out for each month of the year or try laminating just one and using a dry-erase marker to add the numbers. This way the same calendar page can be reused each month!
Grab the free calendar printables by filling out the purple forms at the end of this post. I’ll be adding pages for 2025 half-way through the year.
If you’d like more information on my DIY Children’s Calendar and the printables these calendar pages coordinate with, visit my DIY Children’s Calendar Post page!
Get the Free Printable 2025 Calendar Pages!
Fill out the purple form below with your first name and email address! The free file will be sent straight to your inbox! If you have already filled out the form below, don’t worry – you won’t be added to my list twice! This freebie is for personal use only. I hope you enjoy crafting something special. Please let me know if you have any questions :)