/ / / Harry Potter Birthday Cupcake and Treat Box

Harry Potter Birthday Cupcake and Treat Box

Birthday | Free Printables | Harry Potter Crafts | Paper Crafts

Create your own Harry Potter Birthday cupcake and treat box! Learn how to create a cupcake box and use my free printable Hedwig gift tags for a fun treat box and birthday surprise for a Harry Potter fan!

Harry Potter cupcake treat box with free pattern and printable.

Hello Crafty Friends! This week on the blog I’m celebrating Harry Potter’s birthday with lots of fun themed craft ideas. Harry’s birthday is July 31st so the first craft I’m sharing is this fun Harry Potter Birthday Cupcake and Treat Box. This would be a great party favor or gift for a fellow fan – either way, you can’t go wrong with cupcakes and Harry Potter!

I styled the treat box to resemble the box Hagrid used to hold Harry’s cake in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone – except I decided not to sit on it! The cupcake is a delicious chocolate cake with a fresh raspberry buttercream frosting with “HP” written on it green icing. It is a mini version of the “sticky chocolate” cake Hagrid made Harry. The original had pink frosting and the words “Happee Birthdae Harry” written on it in green icing, so this cupcake mimics the original cake.

Brown paper cupcake box with Hedwig gift tag and two cupcakes with pink frosting and the letters HP written in green icing.

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I’m sharing the template I made for the treat box along with the fun Hedwig owl gift tags I created. The gift tags are hand-drawn and include the words “Happee Birthdae Harry” written on the banner the owl is holding. I’ve included a second version of the gift tags without any writing on them, so you can customize the tags with your own text or name.

Visit my Harry Potter Crafts Page for more fun themed craft ideas! 

Hand drawn Hedwig gift tag; the owl holds a scroll that reads "Happy Birthday Harry" spelled incorrectly like Hagrid does.

Supplies Needed:

Supplies including brown craft paper, cupcake liners, twine, scissors, glue stick and hole punch.

Making the Cupcake Treat Box

Step One: Trace the template on brown card stock. Print and cut out the free template and trace the three pieces onto brown cardstock. Use a ruler to connect the interior fold lines with lightly drawn pencil lines.

Template is traced on brown cardstock.

Step Two: Cut out the three pieces. To cut the interior of the cupcake holder piece, I poked a hole and then used my scissors to cut it out.

Three pieces cut from brown cardstock for the cupcake box.

Step Three: Fold the edges of the box. You can score the lines using a scoring board and then fold along the lines.

Three box parts folded along the scored lines.

Step Four: Glue the box pieces together. Using a glue stick or double-sided tape, attach the two large box pieces together along the tabs. When I used my glue stick I needed to hold the pieces together while the glue dried. I’ve made this box with double-sided tape as well which is a bit stronger.

Two box pieces are glued using a glue stick.

Step Five: Insert the cupcake holder into the box. The cupcake holder should fit snugly inside the box without needing to glue it in place.

Cupcake box open at the top showing a cupcake holder inside.

The Hedwig Owl Gift Tag

Step Six: Add the owl gift tag. Print the free Hedwig owl gift tag on white cardstock. Punch a hole in the top and use twine to attach it to your box!

A hole punch lays next to a Hedwig gift tag.

Brown box tied with string with a white Hedwig gift tag.

Harry Potter Birthday Cupcakes

The treat box is all finished and it is time to add the best part – a cupcake! For my Harry Potter cupcakes I made chocolate cupcakes with raspberry buttercream frosting – both of the recipes I used are no longer available online but here are two that I plan to try this year when I re-make these cupcakes. I have been using Two Sisters Crafting vanilla buttercream recipe for years, so I’m excited to try their Raspberry Buttercream one. 

I normally pipe the frosting on my cupcakes in a peak, but since I wanted these cupcakes to look like Hagrid made them, I used a butter knife and spread the frosting on. Next, I used green gel to write “HP” on each cupcake. The cupcakes are too small to write out the message that appeared on Hagrid’s cake in the movie, but the green writing on pink frosting is enough of a nod.

Tupperware bin filled with chocolate cupcakes with pink frosting; several have the letters HP written in green icing on them.

Cupcake box with a pink frosted cupcake inside; two cupcakes sit nearby along with an owl gift tag.

Brown paper cupcake box with Hedwig gift tag and two cupcakes with pink frosting and the letters HP written in green icing.

These cupcakes would be delicious any time of the year; the fresh raspberry buttercream with chocolate cake is so yummy! I’ll be back this Friday with another Harry Potter-related craft! Be sure to check out my other Harry Potter crafts including a Harry Potter Party Game, Harry Potter Wreath and more! 

Get the Free Harry Potter Birthday Printables!

Fill out the purple form below with your first name and email address! The free file will be sent straight to your inbox! If you have already filled out the form below, don’t worry – you won’t be added to my list twice! This freebie is for personal use only. I hope you enjoy crafting something special. Please let me know if you have any questions :)

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  1. I can only find the Hedwig tags on the downloads, and no template for the cupcake box. They look really good!

    1. Hi! Thank you so much for letting me know! I corrected the free file in my library to include both the printable tags and the printable template for the box! You’ll find it under Printables – Cards and Gift Tags. If you have any trouble finding it in the library, please let me know! -Kim

  2. This is a fantastic party idea. I really like the inside of the cupcake box where there is room to lift the cupcake out. Who can resist anything related to Harry Potter!

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