/ / / Watering Can Welcome Sign with Paper Flowers

Watering Can Welcome Sign with Paper Flowers

Cricut Design Space Projects | Paper Crafts | Spring Crafts | Summer | Wreaths

Create a beautiful wooden welcome sign featuring a painted watering can and handmade paper flowers! This fun alternative to a wreath is perfect for spring and summer! 

A wood welcome sign for spring and summer with a watering can filled with paper flowers and leaves.

Hello Crafty Friends! Looking for a new welcome sign for your door this spring and summer? I’ve got just the project! This watering can welcome sign is a fun alternative to a traditional wreath. 

This sign can be made using a Cricut cutting machine and my Cricut Design Space file. The colorful paper flowers that decorate the sign are simple to make using a cutting machine. The watering can is the focal point of the sign and it can be added two ways; using white vinyl or using stencil vinyl and acrylic paint. 

I chose to cut out a stencil on my Cricut Explore using Stencil Film, then I used the stencil to paint the watering can using my favorite outdoor paint, DecoArt Patio Paint. The trick to getting nice, crisp lines is applying a layer of Mod Podge to the stencil before your layer of paint. This way the clear Mod Podge is what seeps under the stencil and not the white paint!

Paper flowers are arranged on the board to look like they are coming out of the watering can.

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For this sign I also chose to stain my own wood round. I used DecoArt Gel Stain which I have used before to stain embroidery hoops. As someone who has not stained many things, I find the gel stain easy to use a quick to do.

Below is the tutorial for making your own Watering Can Welcome Sign. I hope you enjoy making it! Don’t forget to use my Cricut Design Space file. 

DIY Spring and Summer Welcome Sign

Supplies Needed

Supplies needed including a wood round, scrapbook paper, stencil vinyl, and gel stain.

Staining the Wood Round

Start by staining the wood round using Gel Stain. Cover the board with the stain using a paintbrush or foam brush, then use a piece of paper towel to rub the stain in and remove any excess. 

Gel stain is applied to the round wooden board.

A paper towel spreads the stain around the wooden board.

Cutting The Stencil with Cricut

While the board is drying, cut out the watering can stencil using your Cricut cutting machine, Stencil Film, and my Design Space file. My round board measured 13.75″ so I cut my watering can as large as possible while still fitting it on my 12″ cutting mat.

Cut the watering can using Cricut Stencil Film and reverse weed the image so you are removing the areas you want painted, leaving the background in tact.

The watering can stencil is weeded using a Cricut weeding tool.

Use Transfer Tape to transfer the stencil to the wooden board. Lay the Transfer tape over the watering can and go over it with your Cricut scraper. Carefully peel off the paper that is backing the stencil at a 45 degree angle. 

Transfer vinyl is applied to the top of the waterig can stencil.

Use the Transfer Tape to place the image on the wooden round, then promptly remove it. Don’t leave the Transfer Tape on the wood round too long to avoid leaving marks. The stencil will not cover the borders of the round board so if you want, cover these areas with painters tape. I chose not to but that meant I needed to be extra careful painting.

The transfer tape applies the stencil to the front of the wood sign.

Painting the Watering Can

Before painting the watering can apply a thin layer of Mod Podge. The Mod Podge will dry clear so if it seeps under the stencil it won’t show up. This is key to keeping the white paint from seeping under the edges of the stencil and to getting nice, crisp paint lines. 

A layer of clear mod podge is applied to the stencil.

Once the Mod Podge is dry, use the white acrylic paint to cover the stencil. I used a pouncer and an up-and-down motion to keep the paint from being pushed under the stencil. I did a couple layers of white paint to get better coverage.

White paint is applied to the stencil using a pouncer brush.

The stencil is covered with white acrylic paint.

Let the paint dry a little bit, then very carefully remove the stencil film. Use your Cricut weeding tool to remove the small pieces of the design.

The stencil is carefully removed using a weeding tool.

A white watering can painted on a round wood slice.

Making the Paper Flowers

Decorate the watering can sign with handmade paper flowers. These are easier to make than you think using your cutting machine! After cutting the flowers, you simply roll them and secure the flower with hot glue. 

Pink paper flowers are cut out on a Cricut Explore machine.

The cut flowers and leaves lay on a table.

Roll the flowers starting with the outer end. I used my scoring stylus but you can also use a paper quilling tool. Keep rolling until you get to the center of the flower then gently release the roll slightly until you like the look of the flower. Glue it to the round base at the center of the flower using hot glue.

A yellow paper flower is starting to be rolled; a stylus helped the roll of paper start out.

A yellow paper flower is rolled and hot glue is used to attach it.

Repeat for all of the flowers! I made extras so I could play around with the arrangement. Also don’t forget to cut leaves and greenery from a couple different shades of green cardstock. 

Paper flowers and leaves assembled and arranged on a white wooden table.

Decorate the Wood Sign with Paper Flowers

Arrange the flowers on the wooden sign starting with the greenery. You may need to cut apart the greenery so it fits better.

Green leaves are arranged on the wood sign.

Once I had an arrangement I liked, I took a picture with my phone and started attaching the pieces with hot glue. Taking the picture helped since I had to remove the flowers in order to glue them down and it acted as a great guide. 

Flowers are arranged on the watering can sign.

Attach the Ribbon

Lastly, attach a ribbon for hanging and the wood sign is finished! I love the way this wood welcome sign turned out! 

A wood welcome sign with a painted watering can and pink, yellow, orange and purple paper flowers.

Paper flowers are added to the bottom corner of the watering can.

Check out my collection of Cricut Design Space crafts for more fun tutorials including my Autumn Wood Slice Sign which features the same paper flowers but in an autumn color palette. 

Happy Crafting! -Kim

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