DIY Fabric Dolls with McCall’s Pattern
These sweet handmade animal dolls were created using a McCall’s Pattern! Here is my pattern review and pictures of the cute dolls created!
Creating handmade gifts can be so much fun – especially when they are as cute as these DIY fabric dolls! My mom picked up this pattern, McCall’s M7032
This was my first time making fabric dolls and I actually enjoyed it! Picking out the fabric was my favorite part. We scoured our fabric stashes and found the fabric for their clothing. We didn’t have to match the fabric to what the pattern showed, but when we found perfect matches in our stash, we decided to go that route! My mom made the cute little bunny and I made the fox and cat. Here are a few pictures of the dolls we made :)
I cut out everything for both the cat and fox first. I then built both dolls and tackled all of their clothing. The hardest part was the final step for sewing the body of the doll. The arms and legs have all been attached and stuffed and you need to sew the body with right sides together. It was tricky with the arms and legs but such a satisfying feeling flipping it right side out and seeing the doll! The picture above shows that completed step, right before I had to stuff the body!
We only did a couple things differently than the pattern instructions. The pattern had a few spots where the fabric was just applied with fusible web and the edges left raw – like the kitty’s face. We decided to secure the fabric a bit more, to help with wear-and-tear, by appliquéing or adding a small running stitch.
They turned out so cute and it was a fun project my mom and I did together! They are large dolls and are a fun size for my daughter to play with. We picked up the pattern during one of Joann Fabric’s pattern sales so it was perfect. I have seen so many cute doll patterns on Etsy! After completing these dolls I’m feeling a bit more confident to tackle them!