/ / / Christmas Tree Banner from Fabric Scraps

Christmas Tree Banner from Fabric Scraps

Christmas Crafts | Fabric Banners | Free Sewing Patterns | Winter

Create a farmhouse style Christmas tree banner this holiday season using green and brown fabric scraps! A great scrappy holiday project! Free template with tutorial.

12 Days of Holiday Crafts.Christmas tree banner made with fabric scraps and felt.
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On the Fifth Day of a Crafty Christmas…

Whenever I find a good way to use up some of my fabric scraps, I’m a happy camper! This Christmas Tree Banner was made entirely from scraps of fabric and felt I had on hand. I love how it turned out! It makes me think I should dig around my scrap bins way more often!

I have saved so many scraps of fabric that are all too small to do much with, yet too pretty to throw out. On top of the fabric scraps I have held on to, I also have bins upon bins of fabric swatches. I end up with all kinds of fabric swatches from my job – and again, I save them! I started thinking about how many green scraps and swatches I must have – and sure enough, I had a ton.

Christmas tree banner made with fabric scraps and felt is arranged in a circle with the trees pointing inward.

I turned my raggedy pile of scraps into this beautiful Christmas tree banner! I love all the different textures and patterns in varying shades of green. As I learned years ago as a child, while searching for the perfect Christmas tree to cut down with my family – no two trees are the same! This is true with my tree banner – each tree is unique using a different combination of green fabric scraps. They even have different brown wool trunks!

Scraps of green and brown wool used to make the tree banner are arranged on a white table.

Below you can see how I created this fun Christmas tree banner! Search your fabric scraps and I bet you’ll have enough green ones to create this yourself!

DIY Christmas Tree Banner

Supplies Needed:

Step by Step Tutorial

Step One: Trace the printable template onto a sheet of stiff green felt. It is much stiffer than normal felt. At Joann Fabrics it was sold in the same section as the normal felt but was sold as a larger sheet. I was able to fit 8 trees on my sheet of felt. Once you have traced them, go ahead and cut them out.

A paper tree template is used to cut Christmas trees from green felt.

Green felt Christmas trees lay on a green cutting mat.Step Two: Time to cut your fabric scraps! I used my felt trees as a guide for cutting my scraps. You could also print a few more templates and cut them to be a pattern for each layer of the tree. Just be sure your layers will overlap and the green felt won’t be visible.

I initially used one fabric scrap for each tree, as pictured below, but decided using three for each tree looked so much more interesting.

Felt Christmas tree is laid out on a scrap of green wood as a templte.

Felt Christmas tree is laid out on a scrap of green wood as a templte.

Below you can see all of my trees ready to be sewn. I laid them all out and played around with what scraps I wanted to go together. I used a few of the scraps more than once but tried to not have them in the same spot on the tree.

Eight Christmas tree pennants lay on a white table.

Step Three: Stitch down each layer of the tree using green embroidery floss and a running stitch. I flip-flopped using coordinating floss with contrasting floss, depending on what I felt like doing :)

Green felt Christmas tree pennant lays on a white table.

Green felt Christmas tree pennant lays on a white table.

Close up picture showing a running stitch on parts of the Christmas tree banner pennant.

Once all three layers are stitched down, I added the trunk. I stitched them on with a small running stitch in matching thread so it wouldn’t be too visible. You could easily add the trunk at the same time you are stitching down the first tree layer – I just didn’t think of it!

Christmas tree banner pennant made from scraps of green wood and brown wool for the trunk.

Here are my cute little trees after being sewn together.

Christmas tree banner made with fabric scraps and felt.

Step Four: String your trees together to create a banner! I threaded my baker’s twine through my needle and stitched the trees together. I took one small stitch at the top of each tree, making sure to leave a lot of baker’s twine at the beginning and end of the banner for hanging.

Christmas tree banner made with fabric scraps and felt.

The banner is finished! I love how warm and cozy this banner looks! It reminds me a lot of my fabric scrap Acorn Banner  and Carrot Banner – also great scrap busters. I still have a bunch of green fabric scraps left over – even though I did think of one more project to do with them that I’ll be sharing later in the series! (*Update – Oh, Christmas Tree Sign) I may have to start making more of these banners and gifting them until I use up my scraps!

I’ll be back tomorrow with the 6th day of a Crafty Christmas! Love making scrappy banners? Check out these other fabric scrap banners!

Happy Crafting! -Kim

Get the Free Holiday Tree Banner Pattern!

Fill out the purple form below with your first name and email address! The free file will be sent straight to your inbox! If you have already filled out the form below, don’t worry – you won’t be added to my list twice! This freebie is for personal use only. I hope you enjoy crafting something special. Please let me know if you have any questions :)

*My “12 Days of a Crafty Christmas” logo was created using Maggie Malloy’s beautiful Sewing Logo Templates*

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  1. Great idea, and I love how your Christmas tree garland turned out! Today I’ve featured your tutorial on Crafts on Display, hope you enjoy it!

  2. How sweet are these! And I always love a pretty project using up fabric scraps! :) Lisa

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