/ / / Printable Halloween Matching Games for Kids

Printable Halloween Matching Games for Kids

Activity Sheet | Free Printables | Halloween | Kid Crafts

Looking for some fun Halloween activities to do with the kids? These free printable halloween activity pages are quick to set up and a great themed activity!

Halloween printable activity pages lay on a black table.

Hello Crafty Friends! Today I have some fun Halloween activity pages to share with you. Last week we started really getting into the Halloween spirit and played some fun matching games I created. I thought it would be fun to share them with you as free printables :) 

Halloween printable activity pages lay next to a scissors.

There are four printable pages, two are Halloween match-up games where kids can match Halloween images to each other or they can match the images to the letter they start with. This is great letter practice for little ones!

Halloween worksheets with matching games on them.

The other two pages have Halloween game pieces you can print and cut out. I printed two copies of each page so I ended up with 24 game pieces – two sets of 12. There are a bunch of different games you can play with these printable cards depending on your child’s age.

My toddler son’s favorite way to play is to lay them all out face up and then find the matches and put them in little piles. We also tried turning them over and playing Memory. He “played” this way once or twice. I taught him a simpler version of “Go Fish” where the cards were laid face up in front of us and he had a lot of fun with that too!

Halloween flashcards for a Memory game.

A game of Halloween Memory.

However you choose to use them, they are a lot of fun and great for getting your little ones in the mood for Halloween! The link to download these printables is at the bottom of this post. Enjoy! Check out these other fun Halloween printables!

Get the Free Halloween Activity Pages!

Fill out the purple form below with your first name and email address! The free file will be sent straight to your inbox! If you have already filled out the form below, don’t worry – you won’t be added to my list twice! This freebie is for personal use only. I hope you enjoy crafting something special. Please let me know if you have any questions :)

Happy Crafting! -Kim

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